Monday, October 17, 2011

Pi Computed To 10 Trillion Digits

A Japanese programmer that goes by the handle JA0HXV announced that he has computed Pi to 10 Trillion Digits. This breaks the previous world record of 5 trillion digits. Computation began in October of 2010 and finished yesterday after multiple hard disk problems, he said. 

Details in English are not fully available yet, but heres the link to the Japanese page.
JA0HXV has held computation records for Pi in the past.


  1. Why would anyone want to do this? I know the number is infinite but is such accuracy really necessary.

  2. @motivateyuorselfus they will keep searching it until they find the last number or until the number becomes periodic, this is something that HAS to happen, pi is not infinite, but it has to be proved yet.

    funny fact: if you count the number of male bees in a honeycomb, and divide to it the number of female bees, you'l get the PI number

  3. My Brain is Full of F*ck!!!

  4. I have to say, I do not really like mathematics, but Pi has got some kind of magic = D

  5. That's amazing! ...I guess.
